

Lexus Tower by London-based Agency Daniel Widrig

This short post presents London-based Agency Daniel Widrig's proposal for the Lexus Tower, a 98,000 sqm tower that consists of appartment, hotel, leisure, shopping. The project will be built somewhere in Japan.
Note the fluid form of the building. I'm looking forward to having more information of this project.
Lexus Tower, Japan © Daniel Widrig, 2010

Lexus Tower, Japan © Daniel Widrig, 2010

Lexus Tower, Japan © Daniel Widrig, 2010
Lexus Tower, Japan © Daniel Widrig, 2010
Lexus Tower, Japan © Daniel Widrig, 2010
Lexus Tower, Japan © Daniel Widrig, 2010

I will go back to this tower, and few other towers that I selected (Asymtote's Strata Tower, Iwamoto Scott's Edgar Street Tower…) for a study on form-finding.

Project: Lexus Tower
Architect: Daniel Widrig
Date of Completion: ?
Status: Proposal
Site area: 98,000 sqm
Programme: Appartment, leisure, shopping, hotel


Roadmap 2050 by Rem Koolhaas's OMA

A short post on OMA Roadmap 2050.
I previously posted a text rather a short presentation of OMA's Roadmap 2050. I found the roadmap available in the Guardian website.
The map:
A quick reminder: the project consists of redrawing the map of Europe basing of a grid of shared renewable energy. OMA calls this 'Eneropa'. I invite the reader to read Rowan Moore's article "Roadmap 2050 by Rem Koolhaas's OMA" in order to get further information of this project of roadmap 2050 that I follow with a deep interest, and, by the way, to read Mohsen Mostafavi's book "Ecological Urbanism". To a certain extent, OMA's Roadmap can be one of many examples of what we call "ecological urbanism".
I and other bloggers such as dpr-barcelona, Duncan Smith, Luis Suarez, UrbanTick, to quote a few of them, discussed his interesting book. UrbanTick developed last week a very exciting project — Book - Ecological Urbanism - a Discussion — based on a discussion on and around this book.
In few days, I will post another version of my contribution (a little bit longer than the version available in UrbanTick) that will be accompanied with a short presentation of UrbanTick 'Book - Ecological Urbanism - a Discussion' project and my viewpoint on Ecological urbanism.