

Techno-friendly or Techno-lazy

A guest post by Luis Suárez, contributing to the second Ecological Urbanism discussion hosted by Annick Labeca, Taneha Bacchin, dpr-barcelona and UrbanTick.


Technology is the wise use and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts systems or methods for our own benefit. Technology is more than cool gadgets it is local ancient knowledge. Since and due to the industrial revolution society started relating technology with the machine and the comfort that this new found technology could bring us. So now we fill our lives with gadgets that will make our lives easier and more pleasant, and in a way they do. We are now more “connected” and “inform” than ever. The question is, if we are using these new technology for our advantage, or, are we becoming numb and lazy.

Our generation has been blessed with great changes. A couple of years ago I had my first encounter with the GPS, my first time driving on the other side of the road was guided by this feminine voice coming from a screen that would tell me were to turn, and what to do. This sensual mechanical voice made my driving experience much easier and safe in London. The best part was that I didn’t had to ask for directions ever again. It took me a couple of days to realize what was happening. Not only I was missing the whole London experience, I had become numb. Completely dependable of my new female friend. I wasn’t thinking anymore when I was behind the wheel, I lost my sense of direction and I was willing to wait for a machine to tell me what to do next.

Luis Suarez from Estudio ArQ was born, in Bogotá, Colombia and graduated from The
University of Florida in design, construction and planning in 2005. He received a master in science of urban design from The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. He is currently pursuing a Masters in Bioclimatic Architecture from The Isthmus School of Architecture for Latin America and the Caribbean. He is designing and building multiple projects in South and Central America with his established firm, 
Estudio ArQ.

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