

Architecture Biennale Interview Now. Aranda\Lash with Island Planning Corporation. Part Three

Benjamin Aranda and Chris Lasch founders of Aranda\Lasch are my third favourite interview conducted by Hans Ulrich Obrist in the framework of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2010. Benjamin Aranda and Chris Lasch are among these architects I appreciate. Both graduated from Columbia University, Aranda and Lasch founded their office in 2003. They engaged in both experimental research and innovative building. Their publication Tooling, which contains their research from the beginning to 2005, is one of the most prodigious publications in architecture. They just exhibited at Décafé (Los Angeles) October, the 11th. Another performance is posted by City of Sound. This talk taken in real-time was given at Postpolis! in 2007.

interview of: aranda\lasch 
interview by: hans ulrich obrist
project director: bettina korek
organized by: institute of the 21st centiry, pasadena arts council
installation design: SANAA
where: venice architecture biennale
when: 2010
video courtesy: venice architecture biennale

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