

BMW International Stadium, a Atelier Cosmas Gozali's proposal for the BMW Int. Stadium Competition

Jakarta-based Atelier Cosmas Gozali (also called Arya Cipta Graha) reveals their proposal for the BMW International Stadium Competition. for which they were awarded the third place finish.
BMW International Stadium, Atelier Cosmas Gozali (Arya Cipta Graha), Jakarta, Indonesia, © Atelier Cosmas Gozali

Atelier Cosmas Gozali want this building as a landmark for the city of Jakarta and as an icon of sports development. The main idea is to shape the identity of the area by manifesting its spirit of place.
BMW International Stadium, Atelier Cosmas Gozali (Arya Cipta Graha), Jakarta, Indonesia, © Atelier Cosmas Gozali

Atelier Cosmas Gozali's stadium is also an ecological sustainable building as the building is uplifted from the ground level.
BMW International Stadium — Master block plan, Atelier Cosmas Gonzali (Arya Cipta Graha), Jakarta, Indonesia, © Atelier Cosmas Gozali. Originally appeared on Archdaily

Two reasons justify this strategy of uplifting the building from the ground level: (1) the building will not deteriorate the existing environment; (2) then it will create an open range of views towards the lake and the park.
BMW International Stadium, Atelier Cosmas Gozali (Arya Cipta Graha), Jakarta, Indonesia, © Atelier Cosmas Gozali

The envelope of the building is made of metal material. These are irregularly arranged with the aim of displaying the dynamic tongues of flame, and effecting reflections of the light.
BMW International Stadium, Atelier Cosmas Gozali (Arya Cipta Graha), Jakarta, Indonesia, © Atelier Cosmas Gozali

Atelier Cosmas Gozali also opts for traditional symbolic elements. Megamendung (or raincloud) batik motif in the façade, Minang-house arch of the main bridge of the stadium's reception the allusion to the headdresses of ondel-ondel (the giant puppet mascots of traditional Betawi festivals) in the binding ring of the stadium are the traditional symbolic elements applied to bring out the building's design.
BMW International Stadium, Atelier Cosmas Gozali, Jakarta, Indonesia, © Atelier Cosmas Gozali. Originally appeared on Archdaily
Atelier Cosmas Gozali and also known as PT. Arya Cipta. Established and based in Jakarta since 2005 (was before PT. Archindo Ciptakreatif, 1992-2005), the company specializes in architecture, interior, and landscape design, and completed several projects such as Y - House, Jkarta (1994), Origami House, Bandung (1992), "White Box" House - Kosambi, Jarta (2004), W - House, Jakarta (2007), SK Residence, Jakarta 2006), and De Oaze Tomang residence, Jakarta (2006) which have internationally published in some magazines and books.

Project Data
Program: BMW International Stadium
Architect: Atelier Cosmas Gozali (Arya Cipta Graha)
Location: Sunter, North Jakarta, Indonesia
Competition Year: 2009
Renderings and plans all courtesy © Atelier Cosmas Gozali (Arya Cipta Graha)
Plans originally appeared on Archdaily
Source: Archdaily

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