

Frank Gehry interviewed by Playboy Magazine

This video is a trailer of the interview of Frank Gehry by Playboy Magazine. Frank Gehry interview is published in the January 2011 issue of Playboy Magazine.

A summary of the interview can be found in ArchDaily.
I here only posted an abstract:
On the perpetual race to build the world's: tallest buildings: "Yes, the race continues in a way. My tallest is the Beekman in New York; it's being finished now. The client said that at 76 stories it is the tallest apartment building in New York, and I said, 'Why don't we make it two stories shorter so it's not, because if Trump hears that, he'll try to beat it, and i don't want to bother him.' Already somebody's doing a taller one. it's hilarious thing about erections…" 
On "green" building, and the need for architects to be environmentally responsible: "Many people put a green button on their collar and feel food, just like a lot of people put an American flag on their lapels and feel patriotic. It's not enough… I've been concerned about these issues since the 1960s… For years good architects were dealing with environmentally responsible design — materials, energy efficiency, all that — before it became a trend. Frank Lloyd Wright always did. I just don't think it's enough to solve this monumental problem. We have to do more."
Please click on the text to read the summary posted by ArchDaily.

Video, courtesy © Playboy Magazine
Video originally appeared on ArchDaily.
Summary of the interview originally appeared on ArchDaily.

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