

Ile Seguin, an Urban Redevelopment by Jean Nouvel Atelier

In July 2010, Jean Nouvel Atelier's unveiled the master plan for the Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) located in Boulogne-Billancourt (Ile-de-France) for which he has been chosen in 2009. The construction this large-scale project will start in 2012 and its final completion is expected for 2023.
Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) Urban Redevelopment — Render, Jean Nouvel Atelier, Boulogne-Billancourt, © Jean Nouvel Atelier

The Master plan consist of a total surface of 300 000 square meter with a large diversity: cultural, retail and social facilities, public spaces: parks, gardens, terraces, quays, so forth.
Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) Urban Redevelopment, Jean Nouvel Atelier, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, © Jean Nouvel Atelier

The objective will be to make the Ile Seguin an attractive and lively place by day and by night and a destination for the inhabitants of Ile-de-France and for the tourists.
Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) Urban Redevelopment, Jean Nouvel Atelier, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, © Jean Nouvel Atelier

Diverse commercial structure along a street of 400 meters and passages connecting the banks of the Seine river and large squares gardens will be created. They will be complemented by hotels, restaurants and cinema complex.
Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) Urban Redevelopment — Render, Jean Nouvel Atelier, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, © Jean Nouvel Atelier

Headquarters of differentiated identity will also be created.
The green areas will be the priority of this master plan. The quays, the planted esplanades, the large garden the high terraces compose these 450-meter long green areas. The garden will host a plant unknown in the Parisian region, and will be linked to many places and planted terraces at different heights at different horizons.
Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) Urban Redevelopment — Render, Jean Nouvel Atelier, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, © Jean Nouvel Atelier

According to the deputy and also mayor, M. Pierre-Christophe Baguet, a site will host the future Maison de l'histoire de France as desired by President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) Urban Redevelopment — Render , Jean Nouvel Atelier, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, © Jean Nouvel Atelier

20,000 square meters will be dedicated to galleries, artists and collectors. A building, called Le Cube (The Cube), will open in this area. It will be dedicated to digital arts.
Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) Urban Redevelopment — Render, Jean Nouvel Atelier, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, © Jean Nouvel Atelier

A large complex dedicated to music will be constructed in the downhill side of the island. This complex will be composed of two concert halls, respectively with 600 to 800 seating for classic music and with 3000 to 5000 seating for amplified musics. The Conservatoire regional of Boulogne-Billancourt and the Maîtrise des Hauts-de-Seine will move to this sector.
Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) Urban Redevelopment — Plan of the program, Jean Nouvel Atelier, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, © Jean Nouvel Atelier

The cover of the garden us removable in order to ensure a bioclimatic function. This system allows the garden to be used in all seasons.

Ile Seguin (Seguin Island) Urban Redevelopment — Model, Jean Nouvel Atelier, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, © Jean Nouvel Atelier

A video of the project is available on archdaily's website.

Project Data
Program: Ile Seguin urban redevelopment
Architects: Jean Nouvel Atelier
Project Area: 300,000 sq. m.
Location: Île Seguin, Boulogne-Billancourt, Paris Ile-de-France
Renderings, models, plans, Courtesy © Jean Nouvel Atelier

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