

Spear Tower in Belgrade by Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic

Two young architecture students Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic from Belgrade University in Serbia propose Spear Tower. This tower is a five-star luxury hotel which will be a new landmark for the city.
Spear Tower, Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic, Belgrade, Serbia, © Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic. Originally appeared on eVolo Magazine

The 80,000 sq. m Spear Tower is 201 meters tall with four restaurants, three bars, a large conference area, a wellness center, an art gallery, a library, several shopping areas, and over 250 rooms.
Spear Tower, Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic, Belgrade Serbia, © Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic. Originally appeared on eVolo Magazine

The structural system of the Spear Tower articulates an inner core and an outer shell as a chamfered triangle supported by seven rotated trusses.
Spear Tower, Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic, Belgrade, Serbia, © Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic . Originally appeared on eVolo Magazine

This dynamic profile is reinforced by a series of green floors and extended floors. The green floors are repeated and rotated through every six floor plates while extended green floors are open-space gardens accessible to guests and visitors.
Spear Tower, Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic, Belgrade, Serbia, © Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic. Originally appeared on eVolo Magazine

This process results in a spiraling tower that emerges in the city.
Spear Tower, Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic, Belgrade, Serbia, © Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic. Originally appeared eVolo Magazine

The gap between the inner core and the extended plates allows a maximum level of natural ventilation to the building.
Spear Tower, Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic, Belgrade, Serbia, © Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic. Originally appeared on eVolo Magazine

Technical Data
Program: Tower with restaurants, bars, conference area, wellness center, art gallery, library, several shopping areas, rooms
Architects: Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic
Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Photos all courtesy © Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic
As seen in eVolo Magazine

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