

A101 Urban Block by LED Architecture Studio

We pursue our presentation of the proposals for the A101 Urban block competition with LED (Logical Efficient Design) Architecture Studio. The starting point of this proposal is based on the concepts of private and public, in-out.
The distinction of public and private is treated by the articulation of the building into two parts: the base housing commercial premises; and internal courtyards and common-use spaces and the upper floors for the residential use.
A101 Urban Block proposal, Moscow, Russia, render © LED Architecture Studio

This division creates a mixité (mixed use) between private and public program avoiding the mono functionality of common housing blocks. As LED Architecture Studio say, "A city consisting of the dense urban block surrounded by streets is secure since the border between public and private is defined clearly."
© LED Architecture Studio
© LED Architecture Studio
Axonometric © LED Architecture Studio

The building first. This low density block occupies a rectangular lot and is accessible via the base shared by parking and a series of shops.
Model © LED Architecture Studio

This block is composed of pixelated blocks units — like an aggregate of small objects — that facilitate the diffusion of natural light inside the apartments and the courtyard. This strategy seems to be the result of constraints such as the path of the sun, as the diagram shows.
Diagram © LED Architecture Studio

Green is the other part of this project: the courtyard (punctuated with spaces dedicated to leisure, recreation and sports) and roofs.

The agency decided to reserve the base for the commercial facilities and the parking easily accessible. This parking, as the agency mentions, is shaded to the outside by the shops. The structural aspect of the parking is simple: the architects opts for a low cost, meaning, the parking uses the structure of the building and the bearing. Apartments have been disposed in the upper floor to guarantee more safety for the inhabitants.
Flexibility can be the key element of this proposal. Housing units with variable occupations respond to the needs of the occupants. LED Architecture Studio proposes a structural module that allows a total flexibility to provide flats of different sizes. These housing units are equipped with terraces which can be served for variable uses such as garden.

The ground level is reserved for common usage: laundry rooms, meeting rooms, a senior center, etc. This will help to facilitate social relations. The choice of not disposing flats in the ground floor is guarantee the safety of the inhabitants.
Plans from level 1 to Level 16 © LED Architecture Studio
> These plans show the various modes of occupations and
use of the residential blocks.
Parking and shops are disposed in the base while
common-spaces are disposed in the ground level, and
flats in the upper floors.
Ground-floor plan and typical-floor plan (level 5)
© LED Architecture Studio

Greenhouses are located on the south sides. They will be used as closed greenhouse, precisely as thermic accumulator for the wintertime and as opened greenhouses providing an adequate natural ventilation in summertime.

An internal court disposed in the center of the block is reserved to the occupants. This park is made of spaces dedicated to leisure, sport, recreation and creativity adapted to the specific needs of the users. Around these spaces, a park covers the internal court creating a green space for leisure and recreation.
© LED Architecture Studio
> Spaces are disposed in the internal court for variable functions and uses: sport, leisure, recreation.
The green court becomes a space adapted to
the specific needs of the users.

A metal structure is enclosed to the building basing on the concept of open building capable of adapting to various needs and occupations as an evolving machine.
© LED Architecture Studio

Housing units contain various type of plans: rectangular, L-type, square, and duplex. These flats are measuring from 45 square meters to 130 square meters. As for the building, these apartments are flexible so that they can be transformed by the users (single to composed families).
Plans of the housing units © LED Architecture Studio
Section A © LED Architecture Studio
Section B © LED Architecture Studio
Who are they?
In 2009, the architects Allendro Liberati and Roberto Straccali founded the LED Architecture Studio. The name stands for "Logical Efficient Design". They attended a master of "Architecture Environmental Sustainability and Energetic Efficiency" at the University of Camerino and then they collaborated on the "Technology and Environment Construction" course at the University of Ascoli Piceno. In a rapidly changing era, full of contradictions and fragmentation, they look for the matrix of a logically and efficient key, in order to modify its actual characteristics, based only on the entertainment culture and the consumer mentality. In 2009 they were two of the finalists of the competition for the reconstruction of the post-earthquake city of L'Aquila. In the same year, they collaborated with the avant-garde art group called "Immanentists" of Arquata del Tronto. Together with this group, the architects studied the characteristics of the fusion of architecture, art and nature. Actually they are to discover the main relations between architecture and the different way of life of the society.

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