

Big Talks Clean Cities (source Design Talks)

The excellent website Design Talks shares with us a conversation with BIG.
An abstract of this conversation concerns the concept of "elastic city":
The traditional dichotomy between the city and the countryside are blurring with activities such as leisure invading formally purely industrial spaces. In New York, for instance, the waterfronts are turning into parks and they have made more bicycle lanes in the city in the last two years than in the whole of Copenhagen! The gradual evolution used to be that you first walked, then you cycled, then you drove a car and in each step you abandoned the previous mode of transportation. Now they complement each other. In the last 50 years urban planning has been focused on efficient car circulation, but in the future you'll see much more of a hybrid of different movement. This is what I mean by the elastic city — one that would expand and contract to accommodate this.

Elastic City, © BIG. Originally appeared on Design Talks
Elastic City, © BIG. Originally appeared on Design Talks

More after clicking on Design Talks.

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