

Eco quarter, Grenoble by Edouard François

The Eco Quarter is a housing development located in Grenoble, precisely, in a zone d'aménagement conercerté (ZAC). This housing project belongs to a programme of eco housing development (eco quarter). Several architects have been invited to design housing blocks. Edouard François is among these architects which has proposed a new type of housing.
Eco Quartier de Bonne, Edouard François Architects, Grenoble, France, © Edouard François Architects. Originally appeared on habiterdd

This block occupies a former military land situated in the south-east of the city centre.This 6300 square-meter housing block is composed of 68 apartments, two blocks dedicated to social housing, and one block for the private sector.
Eco quarter Zac de Bonne, Edouard François Arcihtects, Grenoble, France, © Edouard François Architects. Originally appeared on habitterdd

One of the major key elements of this project is its 'skin_wall'. This soft outer skin wraps the housing block. This key element aims at reducing the thickness of insulation since it tends, inside, to nibble on volumes due to its thickness. The building is firstly wrapped with a classic insulation and, then, with this soft, recyclable outer skin.
Eco quarter ZAC de Bonne, Edouard François Architects, Grenoble, France, © Edouard François Architects. Originally appeared on habitterdd

This skin required research in terms of performance, feasibility in accordance with the building law. In collaboration with roofing membrane manufacturer Sika Sarnafil, Edouard François created a membrane made from polyolefin. Polyolefin is a polymer which is soft, waterproof and recyclable. Polymer commonly finds in nearly every industry and area of life; it is used for moulded flexible foam. Another aspect of this type of wall is that it not only saves but also produces energy through its solar captors.
Eco Quarter ZAC de Bonne, Edouard François Architects, Grenoble, France, © Edouard François Architects. Originally appeared on habiterdd

The plan of this housing development looks like a squashed "U". It consists of three buildings. This strategy make light easy to infiltrate these building and reach at the landscaped courtyard around which these blocks are organised. Two blocks are dedicated to social housing while the third one is composed of apartments for sale.
Eco Quarter ZAC de Bonne, Edouard François Architects, Grenoble, France, © Edouard François Architects. Originally appeared on habiterdd

This 'îlot' (block) forms a part of a zone d'aménagement concerté, commonly known as ZAC in France. This area is one of these 'ecoquartiers' (eco quarter) experimented in many French cities and towns. The objective of these 'ecoquartiers' is to produce low-energy housing blocks as well as infrastructure and local amenities in accordance with the HQE (French term for High environmental quality).
Eco quarter ZAC de Bonne, Edouard François Architects, Grenoble, France, © Edouard François Architects. Originally appeared on habiterdd

Apartments have commonly the same spatial organization: long thin plan, dual orientation for views (south-north and east-west), natural light and ventilation. This housing block (as well as the other housing blocks built in this sector) is economical. Yet materials and the conception of the façade aim at making this housing block attractive for all the inhabitants.
Eco Quarter ZAC de Bonne, Edouard François Architects, Grenoble, France, © Edouard François Architects
Eco Quarter ZAC de Bonne, Edouard François Architects, Grenoble, France, © Edouard François Architects

These apartments are equipped with terraces which, as well as facades, will evolve over time as the greenery grows and the materials change.

Project Data
Project: Eco Quarter ZAC de Bonne
Program: social housing, apartment for the private sector
Architect: Edouard François
Completion Year: 2009
Location: Grenoble, France
Size: 6300 sq. m.
Models courtesy Edouard François
Photographs originally appeared on habiterdd

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