

Hangzhou Normal University Cangqian Performing Arts Center, Art Museum and Arts Quadrangle by Steven Holl Architects

Steven Holl unveils its Hangzhou Normal University Performing Arts Center, Art Museum and Art Quadrangle design proposal, a unique concept as Steven Holl says, articulating two buildings situated on either side of the canal, and three buildings implanted on a quadrangle site. This project is located in Hangzhou, China. 
This pair of buildings is the heart of the new campus. Steven Holl starts with a dual concept: additive and subtractive to generate these two buildings. The first one, a hybrid form if we look at the concept below, forms the geometry of the Performative Arts Center. Different halls are stacked up freely and pulled away from each other forming a special public access hall at the center with escalators that pierce the slightly rounded edges of these different halls.
Hangzhou Normal University Performing Arts Center, Art Museum and Art Quadrangle — Concept, Hangzhou, China, © Steven Holl Architects
> The concept shows two diagrams generating the pair of buildings
Concept diagram © Steven Holl Architects

The second concept "subtractive" generates the geometric form of the University Art Museum. 
The University Art Museum, © Steven Holl Architects
> This building with voids carved in spacial glass bars is generated by a subtractive concept.

This building is a rectangular form pierced to create voids carved in special glass with the aim of diffusing light inside the galleries. 

Concert Hall, © Steven Holl Architects
> The Additive concept generates a hybrid geometric form for the
Opera House.
Concert Hall Plan, © Steven Holl Architects
Site Section, © Steven Holl Architects
> The site section shows the dual relation
between the Opera House and the University Art Museum both
separated by a canal but connected with a bridge.

The First building contains auditorium bodies sitting on a glowing glass base. A translucent membrane skin allowing a soft light to all public and circulation spaces wraps these auditorium bodies. Bamboo has been chosen insofar as it is very efficient for ecological reason and acoustics covering the auditoriums interiors. Some panels are perforated for achieving perfect acoustics. 
Concert Hall Rendering, © Steven Holl Architects
> Bamboo is efficient for ecological reasons and for acoustics (Steven Holl)

The second building, the University Art Museum, is made of concrete structural walls at the exterior which permits to minimize columns on the interior for exhibition flexibility.
This rectangular box broken at the voids is wrapped with a charcoal-stained bamboo-formed concrete material. 
© Steven Holl Architects
> A bridge connects the two buildings

The other part of this proposal is the Art quadrangle based on green field where students can gather. This central green area is the heart of the new Music School, the new Art School and the new School and Animation. As Steven Holl says, these buildings are organized to flank and define the elongated north-south quadrangle. The Entrance space gives a sense of the relationship of the Opera house, the Performing Arts Center and the new University Art Museum.
Master plan © Steven Holl Architects

These three buildings — Music School, Art School and School and Animation — are made out of either grey brick, specifically traditional Chinese brick, or charcoal-stained bamboo-formed concrete material. Both are similar texture, similar fabric nature and ecologically sustainable.
Campus comparison, © Steven Holl Architects
> The Art Quadrangle, Hangzhou Normal University has
been compared with Columbia University and Yale University, the two last campus
articulated by a green area. The overall organization is quite

The master plan above shows the synergy generated by the organization of these buildings on site.

The last aspect concerns the sustainable part. This ensemble is based on a carbon neutral. A geothermal field is placed under the campus green forming the cooling and heating system.
Sustainability, © Steven Holl Architects
> This sustainable system envelops the whole site creating a energy loop circulating from the first
block of two buildings to the Quadrangle Art providing
carbon neutral, energy-savings and a best quality of life
for the occupants.

Roofs are covered with photovoltaic cells providing 80% of electricity provided by photovoltaic pools and 20% provided by biomass power plant located on the School and Animation building creating an energy loop for the entire site and providing carbon neutral, energy-savings and a best quality of life for the users.

Building Facts
Project: Hangzhou Normal University Cangqian Performaing Arts Center, Art Museum and Arts Quadrangle
Location: Hangzhou, China
Design Architect: Steven Holl, Li Hu, Chris McVoy
Acoustics Consultant: Kirkegaard Associates
Sustainability Consultant: Mathias Schuler (Transsolar)

All renderings, plans, sections and master plan © Steven Holl Architects and originally appeared on archdaily.

Source: Archdaily

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