

Kodaly Centre by Épitész Centre

The Kodaly Centre is completed in 2010. This building designed by Epitész Studio is located in Pécs, Hungary. This Concert and Conference Centre belongs to the main projects of Pécz as European Capital of Culture for 2010.
Kodaly Centre, Pécs, Hungary, © Épitész Centre

© Épitész Studio

This L-shaped building has been designed using mathematics, precisely Fibonacci-sequence. Fibonacci number has been selected as the representation of contemporary music knowledge and has an important influence on Bela Bartok, Erik Satie, to cite a few.
© Épitész Studio
© Épitész Studio

The building, also, is based on a dual relation as binary music; It is made out of stone and wood and reflects hard and soft, cold and warm, age of myriads and centuries, enduring and intimate, inside and outside, object and space, extrovert and introvert, active and passive.
© Épitész Studio

This duality engenders an interaction of the building and its program — music — as well as the building and its immediate environment.
Plan © Epitész Studio
Plan © Epitész Studio
Plan © Épitész Studio

This building contains a concert hall, a large rehearsal room, the offices of the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra and the Conference Centre, other rooms necessary for the operation of the orchestra, facilities serving the audience such as cafe, bookstore, lounge and several service premises.
Section © Épitész Studio
Model © Épitész Studio

Building Facts
Project: Kodaly Centre
Program: Concert hall
Architects: Épitesz Studio
Client: The City of Pécs
Location: Pécs, Hungary
Project team: Tamas Fialovszky, Richard Hönich, Ferenc Keller, Benedek Solyom
Interior design: Laszlo Radoczy, Zsolt Tolnai — Pecsepterv
Acoustics: Eva Arato, Anders Christian Gade, Andras Kotschy
Landscape: Sando Mohacsi, Borbala Gyüre — S73
Gross area: 11,200 sqm
Design period: 2007-2010
Completion date: December of 2010

 Plans, model, construction © Épitész Studio

Source and images: Dezeen

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