

Cloud Room by One Design Inc.

Another fascinating project found in evolo is this Cloud Room designed by Shanghai-based One Design Inc. This installation occupies the roof terrace of the National Art Museum of China, a historical landmark from the 1960's in Beijing.
The Cloud Room © One Design Inc.

This Cloud Room is made of white polycarbonate panels basing on a computer cloud-like profile.
© One Design Inc.

This installation adapts to environmental parameters: revolving according to the wind, casting moving shadows and reflections onto a second layer of translucent polycarbonate.
© One Design Inc.

The translucent interior screen allows for a mix of vague pixel urban image intertwined with wind and sun.
© One Design Inc.

Overall speaking, this installation creates an harmony with the building and its surrounding.
© One Design Inc.

The Cloud Room will travel in different place. The Beijing installation appears to be a starting point of as sequence of works. For its new location in summer — Taiwan — the Cloud Room is expected to transform and to dialogue with the mild and warm of environment of Taichung.
© One Design Inc.
© One Design Inc.
© One Design Inc.
source: evolo

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