

Vertical Paris by finalists Cyrille Rochambeau, Joel Bertin and Randrianarison Herizo for the Evolo 2011 Skyscraper Competition

Evolo recently posted the 15 finalists' skyscraper projects. One of these projects that I want to share is that of French Cyrille Rochambeau, Joel Bertin and Randrianarison Herizo. I would say that their proposal is based on a research on a Vertical Paris, or a Paris that shifts from a horizontal density to a vertical density in response to a population's migration to the centre (Paris).
Vertical Paris © Cyrille Rochambeau, Joel Bertin and Randrianarison Herizo.
Evolo 2011 Skyscraper Competition

The vertical Paris, a reflection on integrating a skyscraper into the Parisian urban fabric — with its typical Haussmannian architecture. Cyrille Rochambeau, Joel Bertin and Randrianarison Herizo explore possibilities of implanting a skyscraper after the controversial construction of the Montparnasse tower. The idea is to develop a middle ground between high-rise skyscrapers and the existing Haussmannian fabric. In other words, the purpose is to create a coherent link between the existing context and the various programs of the skyscraper that would bring the city of the 21st century.
© Cyrille Rochambeau, Joel Bertin and Randrianarison Herizo.
Evolo 2011 Skyscraper Competition

The skyscraper is modeled basing on information from existing Paris, a Paris composed of little squares, buildings, stores, picturesque streets, large parks, planting trees, boulevards and avenues, and its artistic and cultural facilities.
This design proposal does not limit to the skyscraper itself but incorporates important interconnected issues: energy, transport, infrastructure, and spaces for escape and relaxation. As Rochambeau, Bertin and Herizo suggest, a skyscraper must adapt to changing contexts as well as it must be connected to the existing urban fabric. Their design proposal envisions to respond to these challenge issues.
© Cyrille Rochambeau, Joel Bertin and Randrianarison Herizo.
Evolo 2011 Skyscraper Competition

Another aspect of this design is the rooftop. Roofs can be used as new lanes in the city, they suggest. Roofs can connect the horizontal city to its vertical extensions. They can be used as shared gardens, pedestrian crossings… In brief, roofs must respond to specific needs of the users.

Building Sheet
Project: Vertical Paris
Architects: Cyrille Rochambeau, Joel Bertin and Randrianarison Herizo, France
Status: Finalists
Competition: Evolo 2011 Skyscraper Competition
Credit images: Cyrille Rochambeau, Joel Bertin and Randrianarison Herizo
Images originally appeared on evolo

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