

To-read list: a series of articles in case you missed them

Last week was fruitful in terms of articles. Here is a selection that I would like to suggest:

Sustainable cities: While North-eastern Japan is concerning with reconstruction — and it is not necessary to remind that March's earthquake left Fukushima City and its surroundings incapacitated, Japan will have its first sustainable city, Fujisawa, around 50kms west of Tokyo. This eco-friendly and smart city will be spearheaded by Panasonic and eight other companies. It is announced to be completed by March 2014. You will find a video of this 'eco-smart city'.

Sick city: Mimi Zeiger reviewing Pedro Reyes' Sanatorium for DomusWeb. An interesting article titled City Sickness. This Sanatorium "is a clinic for urban ills".

Energy Efficiency: China was pretty active last week. Here is one among many articles on China. China Takes a New Interest in Energy Efficiency… Or how to use energy efficiency as a contribution to economy…

Replicate Village: Chinese architects secretly decided to build ther Chinese version of UNESCO Town like the Austrian mountain town of Hallstatt in the southern province of Guangdong, China. Apparently this is not the first copycat town.

Biomimicry and Architecture: if you have a strong interest in biomimicry — like me, let me introduce you New-York based Bioworks Institute, an interdisciplinary endeavors that seek to rethink biological art and design.

Cal-Adapt: is the new site that crunches environmental data and allows you to see what the temperature increase will be in Californian towns through 2050. This project is spearheaded by Google in team with UC Berkeley. Both Google and Berkeley are working on a new climate change visualize and database. This may be an interesting architecture and urbanism's contribution to adapting to climate change.

A rising new city… without basic needs for its residents: is the case of Gurgaon. The city's ambition is to be a symbol of a rising "new" India but without basic public services…

Hope you will enjoy this reading suggestion…

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