

City Sessions: Four Questions on Tactics, Urbanism, and Practices

The IfUD has partnered with Leagues and Legions (LGNLGN) to host the online discussion CITY SESSIONS: Four Questions on Tactics, Urbanism, and Practice.
Tactical Urbanism uses the city as a site of experimentation, deploying popup parks, vacant retail reuse, or unsanctioned street furniture as way to reprogram the urban realm. The practice traditionally takes an activist position in relationship to environmental, political, cultural and economic factors. However, as the practice is increasingly being absorbed into mainstream thinking on cities, it is critical that we look closely at both the underlying assumptions and resulting effects.
LGNLGN and IfUD are asking critics, practictioners, academics, community organizers, and the general public to weigh in on one of four questions dealing with issues of tactical urbanism. Each question will tackle a particular theme: the public, professional practice, evaluation, and failure. The City Session Questions will post online in the three weeks leading up to Urban Design Week (September 15-20) and culminate in a live discussion of the crowdsourced responses on September 18.

If you want to join the discussion, click Here.

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