

Europan_X by Baptiste Marconnet

A project that I just discovered is that of French architect Baptiste Marconnet titled The Europan_X.
The Europan_X examines the ways of extending the urban fabric beyond the coastline. The Europan_X consists of an assemblage of intertwining bands.
Europan_X © Baptiste Marconnet

Car and tramway paths overlap to create a unified passageway that is linked to the existing rail network. The goal is to create a connection with the rest of the city.
Europan_X © Baptiste Marconnet

These band are clad with double skin layers which function is to shelter the faux balconies, and maximize insulation levels of the lower parts of the building.
Europan_X © Baptiste Marconnet

The skin is cellular in structure to support the floor slabs. Its structural and load-bearing features enable the formation of large common spaces within the building's volume.
Europan_X © Baptiste Marconnet

Programmatically, the facilities are distributed uniformly along the length of the structure, with sporadic interruptions in form of large public areas.
Europan_X © Baptiste Marconnet

The public row, closer to the city, is designed to serve as a mediator and a link between the new structure and the city. The private row is closer to the water so that it provides best views of the surroundings and a more intimate environment for the inhabitants.
Europan_X © Baptiste Marconnet

Source: eVolo

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