

Part II: Busan Opera House by Emergent

Following the post on Busan Opera House proposals, here is that of Emergent. As usual, Tom Winscombe and his agency continue the exploration of architecture and affect with this proposal.
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

Here is what Tom Winscombe says about this project:
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

This Opera is a synthetic mountain. It stands in stark contrast to the horizontality of the Marine Culture District, and relates to the mountainous topography that bounds and characterizes the city. It can be seen from all over the bay as a strong silhouette.
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

The Mountain contains two nested wolumes which house the 2,000-seat Opera and the 1,300-seat Multifunctional Theater. 
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

The outer shell of the mountain loosely contains these volumes, sometimes fusing with them, sometimes vulating over them, and sometimes dissolving away to create views and passageways through a cavemous public space. Openings in the mountain are positioned toward pictured views of the city and the waterfront.
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

The manifold skin of the mountain varies from razor-thin and roof-like to extremely thick and spatial, where it is packed with public amenities and private support functions. 
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

Elevator cores and other circulation elements also inhabit these poché spaces rather than being expressed. The double-layer mass is therefore an organizational device rather than simply a formal expression.
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

The figural apertures in the mountain create deep space, drawing in visitors, and creating high-contrast lighting situations.
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

An intricate pattern of architectural tracery weaves these deep apertures together with a system of windows, or penetrations irresolution between deep mass and super-flatness.
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

The Cavernous space inside the mountain creates a microclimate. It is outdoor but feels enclosed; the 'roof' and 'walls' of the outer shell create spatial boundary, but also act as a sun shade and wind and rain break.
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

The extreme environmental conditions of Busan's hot summer days and monsoon rains are mediated to create a comfortable, protected urban space all year long.
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

The mountain sits on top of a plinth. The plinth is not fused with the mountain in order to retain the independence of ground and building-object. 
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent

It houses support functions such as parking, delivery, staging, storage, and technical rooms.
Busan Opera House proposal © Emergent
Source: Emergent

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