

Performative Photo Catalytic Structure by Mirco Bianchini

Mirco Bianchini recently revealed a complex and fascinating design proposal, Performative Photo Catalytic Structure, for the Nogara highway in Veneto, Italy. The aim is to link ecological thinking, host interaction and active materials.
Performative Photo Catalytic Structure © Mirco Bianchini

Mirco Bianchini uses digital generative and parametric strategies to produce this structure.
Performative Photo Catalytic Structure © Mirco Bianchini

Strongly influenced by biology, Bianchini's structure reproduces the behavior of coccoluti, namely marine microorganisms in order to reduce pollution.
Performative Photo Catalytic Structure © Mirco Bianchini

As the architect says, the material has been tested for photo catalytic integration and is under development.
Material studies © Mirco Bianchini
I am particularly interested in Bianchini's research in engineering materials both responsive and sustainable to produce an architecture programmed to respond to environmental changes, namely, an architecture capable of self-repair and/or repairing its surrounding environment.
Material studies © Mirco Bianchini
This proposal illustrates current research on addressing proactively beneficial environmental technology by generating new types of architecture and complex technologies that collaborate, do with rather than dominate environment.
Material studies © Mirco Bianchini

Bianchini's Performative Photo Catalytic Structure is particularly interesting for energy-efficient building, and in building adaptive material properties.
Performative Photo Catalytic Structure © Mirco Bianchini

Performative Photo Catalytic Structure gathers geometric physical, material and environmental matters.
Performative Photo Catalytic Structure © Mirco Bianchini

Source: eVolo

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