

Steven Holl Architects just started Campbell Sports Center Columbia University construction

Steven Holl Architects announced last week that the construction of Campbell Sports Center at Columbia University just started. This new 48,000-square-feet building, implanted on a sloping site on the corner of West 218th street and Broadway, is announced to be sustainable as well as an inventing new gateway to the Baker Athletics Complex, the primary athletics facility for the University's outdoor sports program.
Campbell Sports Center, Columbia University © Steven Holl Architects

This five-story center will host strength training spaces, offices, lounges, study rooms, and an auditorium.
Campbell Sports Center, Columbia University © Steven Holl Architects

Programs and site will play an important role in the building design and process. Not only the articulation of the levels but also the design concept will be based on, as Steven Holl says, "points on the ground, lines in space" such as field play diagrams used in football, soccer and baseball.
Sketch © Steven Holl Architects

Each floor will have one or several functions: hospitality suite, student - athlete meeting room, student - athlete lounge and study room, football and varsity suites - strength & conditioning.
Campbell Sports Center, Columbia University © Steven Holl Architects

Communication between floors will play a very important role. Two types of staircases will serve as connectors to link these programs: internal and external staircases. Based on field play diagrams used for football, soccer, baseball, internal staircases will give access to the levels.
Model © Steven Holl Architects

These levels can also be reached via external staircases branched on the surface of the external walls as the models show above and below.
Model © Steven Holl Architects

Rooftop will be accessible via these external staircases; terraces will offer users spectacular views of the surrounding: the Baker Athletics Complex and Manhattan with the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings.
Site © Steven Holl Architects

Based on the idea of push and pull in space, a part of the building will be on pilotis creating an external open space easily accessible, via terraced staircases, to facilitate circulation outside the building. If I refer to the model, this open space will act as a courtyard.
The building will be made up of exposed concrete, steel and marine aluminum. The choice for marine aluminum can be explained by its capacity of being low in maintenance yet high in strength. The building will be clad with rain screen to allow for a better control of interior spaces' temperature throughout all seasons. This will be possible by reducing moisture infiltration during the wetter seasons. Curtain walls will provide natural light, one of Steven Holl's specificity, within the building. This technique uses light and cheap materials, namely glass and steel. It is announced to be an innovative technique.

The building construction is scheduled to be completed in fall 2012.

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