

Update: In your Agenda: Urban Age Hong Kong: Cities, Health, and Well-Being organized by LSE Cities

In your agenda you will inscribe Urban Age Hong Kong Conference, 16-17 November 2011.
In a week, LSE Cities and Deutsche Bank's Alfred Herrhausen Society in Partnership with the University of Hong Kong present Cities, Health and Well-being, the 10th Urban Age Conference.
For the first time ever, the Urban Age Conference will be web-streamed live to the public. Follow the conversation and post your questions to @lsecities on Twitter and Facebook with #urbanagehk.
The first international conference on cities, health and well-being will kick-start with a press conference on Tuesday 15 November, where new research will be presented for the first time comprising comparative data on urban health indicators across 129 cities worldwide.
Key speakers include Carrie Lam, York Chow, Gonzalo Navarette, Joan Clos, Detlev Ganten, Sharon Friel, Victor Rodwin, Reinier de Graaf, Saskia Sassen, Edgar Pieterse, and Stephen O'Brien.

Questions to be addressed include:

  • How does the design and planning of the built environment affect growing up and growing old in cities?
  • To what extent to urban sprawl and fragmentation increase health inequalities and alienation?
  • What are the health advantages and disadvantages of the 'compact city' model?
  • How important are urba amenities and infrastructures such as public transport, housing and green space in enabling people to lead healthy lives in cities?
  • What role do public space and nature play in mitigating the negative effects of high denities in cities?

More: Here.

I profit from this post to recommand you a book just launched by the German publisher Sternberg Press: Caring Culture, Art, Architecture and the Politics of Health. In case you are interested in architecture and healthcare, this book examines changing political uses of the concept of care in neoliberal democracies and asks how artists, architects, and designers both contribute to and attempt to critique its social manifestations. The publication brings together case studies of artistic and design interventions within health and social care institutions and broader political and philosophical essays and interviews relating to civic wellbeing. Contributors include curators, artists, politicians, architects, and healthcare professionals.
It is edited by Markus Miessen and Andrea Phillips. Contributors are among others: Niels van Beek, AA Bronson, Beatriz Colomina, Elmgreen & Dragset, Fulya Erdemci, Mark Fisher, Margreet Fogteloo, Gavin Wade.

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