

China's rapid urbanization in bird's eye pictures

Sustainable Cities Collective has posted a video on China's Rapid Urbanization that I warmly recommand to watch.
As Sustainable Cities Collective reports, China is urbanizing at pace never seen before. In the last two decades, thousands of new developments have sprouted along the fringes of cities across China. Farmlands are rapidly converted into urban land as the pictures below show.
Xi'an, The sourthern edge in 2005. Originally seen on Sustainable Cities Collective
Xi'an in 2009. Originally seen on Sustainable Cities Collective
Xi'an in 2010. Originally seen on Sustainable Cities Collective
Unsurprisingly, villages are replaced by large-scaled developments poping up here and there: buildings, infrastructures, etc. High-rise fill these blocks of lands rapidly. As China is engaging in a sustainable plan, it will not be surprised that these new towns will be embracing latest technologies. Yet a question raises: will these new towns be inhabited? Or will they be other ghost cities which abound in China.
The video can be seen: Here.

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