

JDS Architects Unveiling its Hangzhou Waves Proposal

The establishment of JDS Architects agency in Shanghai is accompanied with a new project in Hangzhou Xintiandi district, China. JDS Architects just unveiled its Hangzhou Waves consisting of a back-to-back 120.000 square-meter Five Star Hotel and Class A Office Complex.
Hangzhou Waves © JDS Architects

The relationship between these two buildings will be punctuated by a landscaping project consisting of a park and a canal.
Hangzhou Waves — Rendering © JDS Architects

The first building, the Class A Office, will be implanted in a triangular site surrounded by streets accentuating design, process and construction constraints.
Hangzhou Waves — Office Building Site © JDS Architects.
—> Occupying a triangular site, the Class A Office building will profit
from a spectacular view. As surrounded by streets, the site conditions
may accentuate design, process and construction constraints.

In response, the volume of the office building will be manipulated using the push/pull technique to generate a smooth wave-like sloping façade.
Hangzhou Waves — The Class A Office Building volume © JDS Architects.
—> A simple building volume composing in fact of 2 volumes. Angles of elevations are rounded due to site conditions.
Hangzhou Waves — Class A Office Building Volume Manipulation © JDS Architects.
—> The use of push-pull manipulation will modify the building profile generating a wave-like sloping face.
The top of the building will be then perforated to create an inner courtyard and facilitate the diffusion of natural light within the building.
Hangzhou Waves — Class A Office Building. Opening for natural daylight © JDS Architects

Two corners will be slightly lifted to facilitate access to the office building as the diagram and the rendering show.
Hangzhou Waves — Diagram: Lift For Access © JDS Architects.
> Both corners will be lifted to provide an access to the building.
Hangzhou Wave — Rendering © JDS Architects.
—> This results in a lighting entrance.

The second building, the Five Star Hotel complex, will follow the main principles of the Class A Office building design process. 
Hangzhou Waves — 5 star Hotel building volume © JDS Architects.
—> Note the arrangement of the two blocks that will be then manipulated…
A push/pull-type of manipulation will modify the building volume generating once again a sloping surface.
Hangzhou Waves — Five Star Hotel Volume Manipulation © JDS Architects.
—> Using the push/Pull technique, a similar form as the Class A Office Building will be created.
This building will be perforated at top to create an opening for natural daylight and an inner courtyard.
Hangzhou Waves — Five Star Hotel. Opening for Natural Daylighting © JDS Architects.
—> A same perforation will be generated at the top of the building to allow for natural daylighting.
Note nevertheless the orientation of the sloping face and the opening.

Hangzhou Waves — Five Star Hotel. Hotel rooms
have views to the park and canal of Hangzhou Xintian Di… © JDS Architects.
—> The orientation of the sloping surface will be selected in accordance with the place:
rooms will have views to the park and canal.

Yet, while the sloping surface of the Class A Office building will be a smooth green roof, that of the Five Star Hotel will be a terraced green roof. The Hotel surfaces will then be pixellated.
Hangzhou Waves — Class A Office Building. Green Roof © JDS Architects.
—> A smooth green roof will be created while…
Hangzhou Waves — Five Star Hotel. Terraces will also act as green roof © JDS Architects.
—> the Hotel will have a terraced green roof.

Such as the first building, two of the corners of the Hotel will be lifted allowing for the access to the building.
Hangzhou Waves — Five Star Hotel. Inlet for Pedestrian Access © JDS Architects.
—> Two corners of the building will be lifted to allow for the access to the building…
Hangzhou Waves — Five Star Hotel. Inlet Provides More Ground Level Space © JDS Architects.
—> Given the fact the building will be slightly lifted up, this inlet process
will also provide more ground level space with the possibility of creating a external

As mentioned above, the two buildings will be accompanied with a park and canal to enhance the site and offer spectacular views to the users and clients.
Hangzhou Waves — Class A Office Building — External Landscape © JDS Architects.
—> The site will be developed to provide not only the buildings but also a
park with trees and a canal.

Hangzhou Waves — Aerial view of the site with the two buildings © JDS Architects.
While different in profile and materials, the arrangement of the buildings and their landscape
on site will enforce their relationship.

Hangzhou Waves — Five Star Hotel — External Landscape © JDS Architects
Hangzhou Waves — Five Star Hotel © JDS Architects.
—> By refering to this aerial view, the Five Star Hotel appears to be taller
than the Class A Office Building.

Hangzhou Waves — Class A Office Building and Five Star Hotel © JDS Architects
—> While the buildings are back-to-back, materials and façades treatments will be different.
The buildings types might be determined  by their programm and orientation.
Each building building will be identified by materials and envelope treatments:
the Class A Office Building will have a standard façade system: a curtain wall creating a regular grid of the skin,
while the Five Star Hotel having a perforated façade that will generate a pixel-type of skin.

Depending on the program, the two buildings will have their own profile and materials. This will lead to a scaleless affect, exploiting not only the program but also the site conditions.
Hangzhou Waves — The Five Star Hotel Profile © JDS Architects.
—> While the principle of lift of corners being the same to the two buildings,
the treatment of those of the Five Star Hotel will reinforce the scaleless quality.
Hangzhou Waves — Aerial view of the Five Star Hotel © JDS Architects
Hangzhou Waves — Interior views © JDS Architects
Hangzhou Waves © JDS Architects
Hangzhou Waves © JDS Architects
JDS Architects' design might make the two buildings more visually prominent not only in frontal view but also when seen at angles. Let's wait and see.

Building Fact
Project: Hangzhou Waves
Program: Office Space, Hotel
Architects: JDS Architects
Team: JDS, MUDI, China CUC
Project Leader: Junhee Jung, Charlotte Lieske
Size: 120.000 sqm
Location: Hangzhou, China
Budget: Confidential
Type: Invited Competition
Status: Settled 2011

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