

Conference: Social Cities of Tomorrow

Our everyday lives are increasingly shaped by digital media technologies, from smart cards and intelligent GPS systems to social media and smartphones. How can we use digital media technologies to make our cities more social, rather than just more hi-tech?
Social Cities of Tomorrow is organised by The Mobile City, an international research group on mobile media and urban design, Virtueel Platform, the Dutch e-culture knowledge institute, and ARCAM, the Amsterdam Centre for Architecture.
Its main focus is how to use digital media technologies to make our cities more social, rather than just more hi-tech, and it will be investigated during a workshop (pre-conference) from 14 to 16 February and a conference on 17 February.
The International conference brings together key thinkers and doers working in the fields of new media and urbanism. Keynote speakers such as Usman Haque, Natalie Jeremijenko and Dan Hill will speak about the promises and challenges in this newly emerging and highly interdisciplinary field of urban design. The keynotes will be accompanied by presentations of 'showcases' from various disciplines, such as architecture, art, design, and policy.
The prefonference workshop will be held at ARCAM, Amsterdam for a select, interdisciplinary group of designers, programmers and digital creatives. The aim of this experimental workshop is to bring together local stakeholder organisations, and participants from various professional and national backgrounds to collaborate in real-world social design challenges. Unfortunately application for the workshop was closed on December 30th. The results will be presented at a public event on Thursday February 16 at 20:00 hours at Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68, Amsterdam.

Ticket, information: here.

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