

Call for Papers: MAS Context is calling for submissions on Communication

MAS Context calls for submissions on the topic of Communication.

Content is only as good as the way we communicate it. Whether to a colleague, a client or the masses, the way we communicate our ideas will more than likely define their ultimate success or failure. Developing and applying the right tool to reach the full potential of our work is the critical step in a world that does not lack information. This issue looks into the way new and innovative ideas, proposals and projects are shared and discussed in successful ways.
For this issue, we are soliciting submissions of unpublished critical articles, design projects, photographic series or other type of contributions that examine the potential of communication in our built environment.

Submission are accepted until March 2, 2012. More: Here.

Who are they?
MAS Context is based in Chicago, but MAS Context's reach is global. The magazine is more like a platform for the sharing of relevant proposals, ideas and experiences that help advance the world of design.
The magazine's approach is simple and profound. Each issue asks people to think of new possibilities. Leading to collaborate in new ways. This unleacheas a great debate. And asks designers everywhere to act in new and unimagined ways. The core of the magazine can be summarized into 3 points:

  • Focus on a single topic and address it from a range of design fields: architects, photographers, writers, industrial designers, musicians, graphic artists, urban planners, etc.;
  • Combining the techniques delivers a comprehensive overview; and
  • Then share the insights and outlooks via different media types to reach a global audience.

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