

Unveiling its new editorial project: The Architecture Post The Review with Albert Ferré and Anna Tetas (Actar Editorial) and Rachel Armstrong

Today is the launch of The Architecture Post The Review. For this first edition we will look back at three books: GSD Platform 4, Fuksas Building and Next Nature. First guests are Actar Editorial Albert Ferré and Anna Tetas. Then Rachel Armstrong joint us to continue the discussion on Next Nature.
I hope you will enjoy it nonwithstanding a bad line due to two conversation via skype but that is the magic of skype (coupled with wifi. Not the best cocktail in a certain way). The second edition will be launched in two weeks with the editors of new little magazine Clog Magazine which just released their second issue (but I am waiting for their confirmation) and Gian M. Maurizio, director of Paris-based Galerie de l'Architecture, also curator of French architect Jean-Philippe Pargade. Of course the programmation may change.

All these books are available in you favourite bookshop or on Amazon.
I am currently working on The Architecture Post website…

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