

Call for submissions: Praxis Issue 13: Eco-logics

Call for Submissions | Praxis #13 | Eco-logics

Hermaphroditic polar bears, melting ice caps, water shortages, rising sea levels, crop failures, and catastrophic storms: these are just a few of the consequences and predicted effects of global warming. Scientists cite buildings as the source of between 35% and 50% of greenhouse gas emissions annually, a fact which places architects at the center of the problem, but also mandates a disciplinary response. Most of the current debate surrounding sustainability relies on negative rhetoric (scare tactics) that incentivise immediate, realizable, pragmatic responses (LEED), rather than more radical and visionary solutions. Praxis 13 invites submissions of projects and essays that consider how architecture might use the logics of ecologies to move beyond received notions of sustainability.

Submission deadline: September 1.

More: here.

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