

Editor's Pick: Video of the day: The Edible City

Earlier today Nate Berg posted on The Atlantic Cities a video entitled The Edible City depicting ways urban agriculture can be integrated into small spaces within cities. The goal of this video is to show how we can convert vacant and under-exploited lots into productive lots for food production.
I have already stressed the importance of this pressing issue of food production regarding growing urban migration.
This video, Nate Berg pointed to, is part of an online exhibition made up of animations and case studies about sustainable landscape. It has been commissioned by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).
I recommend to read Nate Berg's post for further information and review on this video:
(…) About 38 percent of American households grow fruits, vegetables or herbs on their property, according to an article from Urban Land cited by the video. At a more formalized level, many new civic buildings are being designed with community farming spaces and rooftop gardens, though this trend is in its early stages. The examples shown in this video have relevance in almost any city, and many of these ideas are already in place.
With a clear evidence, a large number of urban dwellers dream of this possibility to grow vegetable, fruits on their property while this property, due to land use stress, tend to shrink dramatically. As ASLA pointed out:
According to the United Nations, some one-fourth of all agricultural land is seriously degraded. As a result, people are now turning to untapped urban land. In fact, some 800 million people a year worldwide are practicing urban agriculture. Beyond creating green spaces, urban agriculture may aid those who don't have secure access to food. In the U.S. Alone, some 49 million Americans experience food insecurity and another 23 million live in food deserts where there is little fresh produce or public space.
This paper is focused on the USA as it is commissioned by ASLA, an organism for American landscape architects. Yet, all world's cities are/and will be concerned with food scarcity in urban areas. This paper can be 'personalized'. Many private, personal, d.i.y (etc) acts exist in urban areas and I am curious to see more.

Video courtesy: ASLA

Source: The Atlantic Cities, ASLA

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