

Events: Resilient Cities Webinars | Bartlett Development Planning Unit

Resilient Cities Webinars. A call for participation shared by the editor and curator Ethel Baraona Pohl. This project is organized by The Bartlett Development Planning Unit. This is will be online and from 29 May-01 June 2012. Below the presentation:

CIB and UNISDR are hosting a series of webinars (web-based seminars) on the topic of building Disaster Resilient Cities. The webinars will share knowledge and expertise between CIB members, UNISDR, and cities that involved in the 'Making Cities Resilient' Campaign. The target audience for the webinars are local governments, disaster risk reduction practitioners, planners and researchers.
The webinars will act to inform a number of key outputs, including a research strategy outlining areas for future research in building, construction and Disaster Resilience, which will be presented at a special session  on disaster resilience and the Built Environment (hosted by TG63) at CIB World Building Congress in Brisbane in May 2013? The webinars will also inform the first annual report of the UNISDR Making Cities Resilient Campaign to be prepared in 2012.
The webinars will be held online in English or in Spanish. Each webinar will have a panel of presentations by researchers and city representatives plus a discussion session in which listeners can write in with questions and interact with the presenters. Participants will need a computer and an internet connection to participate in the webinar. Participation is free but you must register ahead of time.
 Please click here fore more information.
This sounds very interesting. I have some experiences of a city concerned with disaster: Tokyo, one of the most resilient cities. I am interested in contributing to this webinar. Read these themes below for a better glance:
Enabling risk reduction through urban planning (29 May 2012, 90 minutes):
Cities face immense governance challenges in integrating agendas for disaster risk reduction in urban planning and the implementation of urban plans.
Engaging multiple stakeholders in risk reduction for cities (30 May 2012, 90 minutes)
Multi-stakeholder engagement is seen as a key factor in the planning, design, construction and operation. maintenance of resilient cities.
Necesidades y expectativas de los habitantes en el proceso de reconstruccion
(people's needs and expectations in post-disaster reconstruction). This webinar will be held in Spanish.
After any disaster, it is necessary to ensure that the needs of the survivors are placed at the centre of reconstruction with support for them and their community organizations design and help implemnt responses, including rebuilding homes and livelihoods.
Ten essentials for Making Cities resilient - a Local Government Self-Assessment Tool
(1 June 2012, 90 minutes)
This fourth webinar will engage campaign cities and partners in a discussion about how cities and local government have used the ten Essentials for Making Cities Resilient, as set out in the campaign, and how the new Local Government Self-Assessment Tool can help devising gaps, priorities and institutional commitments for disaster risk reduction at local level.

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