

The Architecture Post Review | Cosa Mentale. Journal of Architecture

At last, the Architecture Post The Review is back, after busy months. Today I look at French little publication Cosa Mentale. Cosa Mentale is produced by young editors, some are architecture students others are young professionals; others are not architects — accountant, etc. They are ten and considered themselves as being in resistance. I met three of them on May 23rd at le Bar Le Chéri, a typical bobo-styled (Bourgeois-boheme in French) bar, in Belleville 19th arrondissement, Paris.

Cosa Mentale ı Construire 008, 2012
I only have two issues: Modestie and Construire. I heard of this journal in January, this year. I was searching magazines and books at a bookstore when I saw this newspaper-typed publication.
Cosa Mentale ı Construire 008, 2012
Cosa Mentale ı Construire 008, 2012
Cosa Mentale ı Construire, 008, 2012
The journal is mostly unilingual with interviews of foreign architects published in both versions: French one and original one.
Cosa Mentale ı Modestie, 007, 2011
Cosa Mentale ı Modestie 007, 2011

Like many periodicals, despite a fragile economy, Cosa Mentale shares this energy of offering a new and fresh vision of architecture.
Cosa Mentale ı Modestie 007, 2011
Cosa Mentale ı Modestie 007, 2011

Credit: The Podcast Cosa Mentale is produced by The Architecture Post
Credit Photo: ULGC and The Architecture Post

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