

Call for Submissions: MAS Context ı Next Issue | 15 | Visibility Fall 12

MAS Context announced a call for submission for the fall issue. The subject for this issue is Visibility. This journal was founded by Iker Gil and his MAS Studio. Its goal is to address issues that impact the urban context. MAS Context is one of my favorite journals of architecture, unfortunately very hard to find in Europe. When a friend visits me, S/he usually brings me a copy — when s/he can. You can also order a copy via lulu.
MAS Context is part of the travelling exhibition Archizines so go and check out MAS Context in your nearest exhibition space or visit Archizines.

Making visible the invisible. That was the little of our interview with interactive designer George Legrady published in our INFORMATION issue and the name of one of his most known projects. Conceived for the Seattle Public Library, it visualizes the circulation of books going in and out of the library's collection.
This issue will continue to make visible the invisible conditions present around us that inform the way we engage with the city. At the same time, we are bringing forgotten landscapes, hidden away systems and lost environments back to the forefront of the discussion, all of them significant in our history and waiting to be reexamined.
For this issue, we are soliciting submissions of unpublished critical articles, design studies, analytical diagrams or photographic series that examine the significance, opportunities and consequences of these conditions in our built environment.
Note that submissions are to be sent until July 9, 2012. Check out MAS Context for further information.

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