

Event: The Senior Moment, Volume Project, C-Lab at Studio X

I am currently finishing the audio editing of an interview I conducted with the already mentioned French journal of architecture, Cosa Mentale. This explains the lack of posts this week. This podcast will be launched here tomorrow.
Then I have many interview that I am also planning. I hope to interview before mid-July: the editors of San Rocco that I once again warmly recommend to grab their new issue Fuck Concepts! Contexts; those of Volume (the dream is a conversion between editors of Volume and guest-editors Kate Davies and Liam Young of Unknown Fields Division but we all are reliant on… schedule. In particular as summer holidays are coming quicker than expected) about this current issue Guilt Landscape; and David Garcia Studio, the editor of MAP (for Manual of Architectural Possibilities). I will do my best to provide all these interviews right here in this blog.
But this aside (at least until tomorrow), for now, Volume which launched last year an issue entitled Aging: Fight or Accept (issue 27, April 2011) will organize an event The Senior Moment with the Columbia Lab for Architectural Broadcasting at Studio X, on Wednesday 13 June from 5:45 to 9pm.

This event will be the occasion for the editors and contributors to continue their discussion on this important question aging society. The event will explore this issue from housing and environmental design to emerging technologies and social networks. Participants are:
Linda Fried, Elyzabeth Gaumer, Aubrey de Grey, Jeffrey Inaba, Stephen Johnston, Thomas Kamber, Jesse Mintz-Roth, Caryn Resnick, Richard Rosen, Jeffrey Rosenfeld, and Georgeen Theodore.
The event is free and open to the public, so lucky readers living in New York, save this date…
More: Here.

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