

Video Interview | Archizines ı Elias Redstone, Curator

I met Elias Redstone, the curator of the travelling exhibition Archizines, currently at L'École Spéciale d'Architecture, in Paris, until September 27, 2012. Other locations are available on Archizines.
Started at AA School, in London, Archizines is now in Paris, and Osaka until the end of September, and will open in Helsinki, tomorrow, and soon in Tokyo.
The video below is the interview I did with him Thursday 6 2012.

Archizines: interview with Elias Redstone, Curator from The Architecture Post Broadcast on Vimeo.

For those like me having a very passion for print magazines of architecture (and for my personal interest, I will add: art, theory, politics, theater, cinema, literature…, in English, French, etc. so I let you imagine my collection of magazines…), this exhibition is a pleasure. If you have a chance, go and enjoy these publications. This exhibition is worth visiting.

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