

Update: Event | Waterproofing NYC

According to an anonymous reader, Waterproofing NYC has been rescheduled to March 2, 2013. I thank him or her for this information.

New York-based readers may be interested in this symposium Waterproofing NYC, this March 2, 2013. As written in the website, this symposium will address storm protection opportunities that incorporate multiple infrastructure systems.

After experiencing two destructive tropical storms in as many years, New York City finds itself forced to adapt to the reality of catastrophic weather events resulting from climate change. However, it cannot rely on simple fixes. Rather, it needs to create new urban landscapes with the capacity to negotiate social, cultural, and environmental forces, argues Denise Hoffman-Brandt, associate professor of landscape architecture in City College's Spitzer School of Architecture.

Participants are Jeannette Compton, Paul Mankiewicz, Lydia Kallipoliti, Kate Orff, Frank Ruchala, Bryan Stigge, Chris Reed, Miguel Robles Duran, Petra Todorovick Messick, Kevin Foster, Denise Hoffman-Brandt, Georgeen Theodore, Dennis Burton, Erika Svendson, Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, Gullivar Shepard, Thaddeus Pawlowski, Mark Gunsburg, Lance Jay Brown, Deborah Gans, Hilary Sample, and Michael Sorkin.

To a certain extent, in my view, this event is not too far from the previous post on Bracket [Goes Soft]

More on this event: here.


  1. This was re-scheduled to March 2, 2013!

  2. Thank you very much indeed for this information…
