

Operationalizing the Geo-Energy Space: Call for Papers

I'm finishing the preparation of an interview on the questions of resource extraction infrastructure, geo-energy space, among others, that I hope for the two following weeks of September.

I was in search for articles for this interview and I found this call for papers: Operationalizing the geo-energy space. This call for papers is for the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, 8-12 April 2014, organized by Stefan Bouzarovski of the University of Manchester and Narmiye Balta-Ozkan of the University of Westminster. Below is the details of this call for papers.
Recent years have seen a resurgence of efforts to provide novel
perspectives on the ways in which nature and society are interlinked via
multiple and vibrant materialities (Bennett 2010). The notion of the
‘geo-social’ has been used to explore some of the connections that can be
identified in this context, emphasizing the need for a new politics of
responsibility and justice. At the same time, the emergence of ‘energy
geographies’ as a distinct disciplinary field is helping foreground new
explanations of the hydrocarbon circulations and consumption practices
that underpin planetary challenges such as climate change and resource
In this session, we hope to connect these two distinct developments inorder to scrutinize the materially contingent nature of contemporarycirculations and assemblages in the energy domain. Following on from MañéEstrada (2006) we use the notion of ‘geo-energy space’ to interrogate thespatial and territorial embeddedness of energy flows. While Mañé Estrada’soriginal conceptualization primarily refers to large-scale geopoliticalrelations, this session aims to extend the idea to a wider range ofspatial scales and material sites, so as to highlight the diverse ways inwhich anthropogenic energy flows are both predicated by, and themselvesshape, the geophysical environment. Papers in the session can include, but are not limited to:
- Energy landscapes: using the framework to explain relations beyond itsconventional origins – in spaces such as the home, community ortrans-national organisations;- Low-carbon technologies: how do differences between, for example, urbanand rural locations, account for different social practices and patternsof energy use (both on the supply side – e.g. microgeneration and off-gridcommunities – and in terms of demand: heat pumps, electric vehicles etc.);- Energy infrastructure: what is the agency of non-human actors in shapingthe evolution of current patterns of energy delivery, as well as new developments such as unconventional oil and gas exploitation?  
The deadline is the 15th of October. For further information: here.
By the way, Energy Geographies Working Group is composed of Stefan Bouzarovski, Stewart Barr, Danielle Gent, Andres Luque and Gavin Bridge, one of the authors of New Geographies Landscapes of energy.

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