

The Enabling City announces the launch of The Enabling City series on MIT CoLab's Thesis Chronicles Blog

The Enabling City announces the launch of The Enabling City series on MIT CoLab's Thesis chronicles blog. I post an abstract of the first article entitled "The Enabling City: Unlocking the Democratic Potential of Places and Spaces":

The Enabling City describes a city that allows for everyday collaborative experiments, where anyone can unlock their creative potential and embark on a transformative journey to become a more involved citizen. This series is based on a free online toolkit, which documents the growing movement of creative, collaborative initiatives and the ripple effects they are having on the way we think of both cities and the commons.
In particular, The Enabling Cities used a 'Place-Based creative problem-solving' framework to create a dialogue around how to leverage the imagination and inventiveness of citizen, experts, and activists in efforts that make cities more inclusive, innovative, and interactive.

To read the entire text click on the text above to reach at the original one.

Who is She?
At its simplest, The Enabling City is a new way of thinking about communities and change. Guided by principles such as collaboration, innovation and participation, and pioneering initiatives featured in The Enabling City attest to the power of community in stimulating participatory citizenship to urban livability…

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