

News: sg2011 Building the Invisible Symposium

Smart Geometry (sg) 2011 Symposium Building the Invisible: Incorporating Real World Data into Digital Design, invited keynote speakers will showcase major projects around the globe that exemplify the way data informs design. The conference is a unique opportunity to hear insights into the challenges ahead for the discipline.
Interwoven throughout the day will be reports and highlights from each workshop cluster, giving those attending the conference the opportunity to view work created during the previous 4 days of intensive design and development.

Keynote Speakers will be: Ben van Berkel - UN Studio, Co-founder/Director, Urman Haque - Haque Design + Research, Founder of Pachube and CEO of Connected Environments Ltd, Billie Faircloth - Kieran Timberlake, Research Director, Craig Schwitter & Gijs Libourel - Buro Happold + Adaptive Building Initiative, Lisa Amini - IBM's Smart City Lab,  Leader, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen - Head of the Center for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA), Denmark.

For further information on the Symposium Agenda, Conference Registration Fees, and Venue, click Here.

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