

Beckmann-N'Thépé and TN Plus unveiled the design of the Saint-Petersburg Biological Park

The City of St Petersburg, Russia announced to have selected Paris-based architects Beckmann-N'Thépé and another Paris-based agency TN Plus, an agency founded by two landscape architects Bruno Tanant and Jean Christophe Nani, to design the St Petersburg Zoological Park.
The site has a total of over 300 hectares, located on the town's outskirts.
Primorskiy Park — Close-up. Artifactory © Beckmann-N'Thépé in collaboration with TN Plus

The principle of the Zoological Park, also known as Primorskiy Park (we will use choose Primorskiy Park for the following of this post), is based on the the Palaeolithic supercontinent Pangea.
Primorskiy Park — Section A © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Plus
Primorskiy Park — Section B © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Plus

The park will play a major role as biodiversity preservation. In addition and above all, it is conceived as an educational tool and a research center helping to preserve the Earth.

Scheme and Master Plan © Beckmann-N'Thépé in collaboration
with TN Plus.

Primorskiy Park — Africa. Artifactory © Beckmann-N'Thépé
In collaboration with TN Pus.

In keeping with the master plan, this Primorskiy Park consists of lush islands representing South East Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, North America and Eurasia. Both North America and Eurasia are linked with one another by the pack ice of the Arctic Pole. Primorskiy Park looks like a network of islands which, like ecosystems, are linked each others.
North Pole, Artifactory © Beckmann and N'Thépé in collaboration
with TN Plus

A glass window building consisting of a simple stack of slabs is implanted in the North Pole site.
Primorskiy Park. Artifactory © Beckmann-N'Thépé,
in collaboration with TN Plus.
This building aside, the islands house a network of bubbled steel and glass greenhouses which will cover the animal pavilions.
Pattern of intersecting circles © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Pus.

The envelope of these greenhouses is made out of a pattern of intersecting circles.
Scheme of the pattern of intersecting circles © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Plus
Scheme of the bubbled greenhouses © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Plus

The site contains a profuse water supply and lush greenery and foliage that will surround the entire park.

Scheme the Park © Beckmann-N'Thépé in collaboration with TN Plus
Africa — Primorskiy Park. Artifactory © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Plus

Primorskiy Park is due to be completed by 2014 and will eventually house nearly 480 different species.
Scheme, Earthwake © Beckmann-N'Thépé in collaboration with TN Plus
Primorskiy Park — Biozone © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Plus
Scheme, Greenhouse © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Plus
Scheme, Greenhouse © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Plus
Scheme, Greenhouse © Beckmann-N'Thépé
in collaboration with TN Plus

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