

The HaitiSoftHouse a transitional shelter by Lonn Combs, Rodney Leon, Dragana Zoric and artist Mark Parsons

A beautiful housing project for Haiti is revealed by inhabitat. This is HaitiSoftHouse.
One year after the massive 7.0-magnitude earthquake having hit Haiti, architects and designers designed housing for emergency.
HaitiSoftHouse © Lonn Combs, Rodney Leon, Dragana Zoric, and Mark Parsons.

The HaitiSoftHouse is a project created by a New York City based team. This team is composed of Lonn Combs, Rodney Leon, Dragana Zoric, and artist Mark Parsons. The team has also collaborated with Chicago-based textile firm Fabric Images.
HaitiSoftHouse, © Lonn Combs, Rodney Leon, Dragana Zoric and artist Mark Parsons

This collaboration results in a hexagon-shaped housing made out of a steel frame. This house is easy to construct. The raison is to help communities help themselves to fabricate their houses. It integrates high performance fabric which aims at withstanding Haitian environmental constraints: rainy season, tropical storms, cyclones. This, obviously, will not withstand any earthquake. However as construction of housing is an emergency in Haiti, this project can be a temporary response, very easy to build, flexible and adaptable to various soil conditions be they solid ground or recycled concrete. It integrate a environmentally-system of ventilation.
HaitiSoftHouse © Lonn Combs, Rodney Leon, Dragana Zoric, and Mark Parsons.
> The system is based on an easy-to-assemble to facilitate the communication
to help themselves in the fabrication of these shelters and future shelters.

According to the designers: "Given the superior environmental performance and structure stability of the design, this system can be reused in various configurations and sites as needed, and the high-performance material can be recycled into smaller applications and integrated into the local economy."
HaitiSoftHouse © Lonn Combs, Rodney Leon, Dragana Zoric, and artist Mark Parsons.

This housing project is an interesting project for the million of displaced who wait urgently for housing and intimacy. If these soft houses which resemble tents can allow for protection and comfort for the residents while being sustainable and responsible, and responding to the user's urgent needs, it will be a great project for the population to help themselves through local production and fabrication of the homes, as the designers say.
HaitiSoftHouse © Lonn Combs, Rodney Leon, Dragana Zoric, and artist Mark Parsons; This shelter can house up to 4 residents. The design of the interior is
simple but flexible to guarantee best living conditions for the users.

Source: inhabitat

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