

Event: Open House With Droog, Diller Scofidio + Renfro

Presentation of the Event
Washing machines sit idle most of the time. Homes offer views that mostly go unnoticed. At the same time, housing foreclosures are on the rise and ready-made jobs are not easy to find. Inspired by the service-oriented mentality of New York, Open house by Droog led by Diller Scofidio + Renfro is a movement in which suburban homeowners supplement their income and develop a new vocation by offering home-made services and facilities to the public.
Open house encourages self-inventiveness, offers ideas, and proposes new models for suburban housing, striking a new balance between the private and public realm. Starting with an economic argument for the struggling middle class, the proposal also addresses the challenges posed by urban sprawl and single-owner consumption. The new residential marketplace not only brings more capital and density to the neighborhood, it also increases social cohesion through service exchange.
Open house will be presented in a one-day event on Saturday, April 23rd, 2011. The event will be kicked-off with a symposium at Studio-X New York introduced and moderated by Mark Wasiuta of Columbia University, followed by a bus trip to Levittown, where visitors can view and participate in several house installations in the neighborhood, designed and executed by architects, designers and artists in collaboration with the homeowners. One of the installations will showcase concepts for future open houses, with proposals for new housing configurations and regulatory modifications.

Event fact
Type: Symposium
Date: 4/23/2011
Time: 10:00 am - 12:45 pm
Location: Studio-X New York & Levittown
Address: 180 Varick Street, Suite 1610, New York, New York
House Installations, Levittown
1:00 pm -7:30 pm

For further information click here.

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