

Siemens unveiling a new model for green urban planning

According to China Post, Siemens Taiwan unveiled last month a Future Smart Building for Energy Interactive Model which intends to incorporate smart and green design into urban planning. The purpose is to shift from demand-based to supply-based depending on the availability of renewable energy.

The Building Management System (also known as BMS) will be used as the building's backbone. This model includes renewable energy technologies incorporated in the smart grid which will allow the building to determine how to generate, adjust and consume energy from various sources in the most optimal way.

Siemens considers that creating a green city requires all buildings become smart and green.  This Smart and Green Future Urban Planning model seems to be suitable for Asian urbanization boom. Asian cities are facing urban population growth that has been increasing by approximately 100,000 people per day, the China Post said.
And this leads to one but major problem. What Taiwan — as well as Asia, in a large scale — must attempt to avoid: Urbanization + Urban population growth = growing environmental issues. It is clear that urban centers are responsible for more than 75 percent of the world's energy consumption and 80 percent percent of the global population's greenhouse gas emissions.
Let's take China into consideration. China is an example of what I mentioned above: environmental issues linked to its rapid urbanization. Vehicles and motocycles, coal and toxic crud fouling streams and rivers are among factors that generate air and water pollution. To face these pollution issues, China is mulling a five-year plan which goals include reduction of pollution. Back to Taiwan. In 2008, for the same reasons, Taiwan government has voted a series of mitigation measures, namely "Frameworks of Sustainable Energy Policy", to achieve a sizable reduction of CO2 emissions. These measures aim to keep CO2 emissions during the 2016-2020 periods at the 2008 level, to decrease them to the 2000 level in 2025, and finally to cut that level in half by 2050. Hence, Siemens Taiwan's "Future Smart Building For Energy Interactive Model" designed as a response to make buildings become more responsible and adaptable to environmental pressures.
It is too early to formulate an opinion as this model is still in its beta-version (I mean: Siemens Taiwan has just revealed it). Yet, the fact that a company such as Siemens embraces these challenge issues that accompany urbanization and economy growth as major targets may open new perspectives in terms of urban planning in Asian region. May I say that this Future Smart Building for Energy Interactive Model is a response for livable urban centers? Let us wait and judge.

Source: China Post

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