

Competition: SC2011 Spain-China International Architecture Competition New Strategies For The City

FUTURE is launching an international ideas competition to identify the best design concepts with the challenge to develop visionary urban proposals with the intention of stimulating contemporary cities, in this case four different locations: Hangzhou, Nanjing, Madrid and Barcelona. The aim of SC2011 is to offer opportunities, for all architecture students and young architects around the world, that are not always available through other selection methods. Several significant architects have launched their careers because their designs were selected as the winning schemes.
How do we imagine the cities of the future?

The open competition is single-phase and anonymous. Architects (architectural teams) may participate in the competition if they meet the following requirements:

  • Architects participating in the competition shall be architecture students or architects under 31 years old on the closing date for submission of entries (June 30, 2011)
  • Architectural teams participating in the competition shall have at least one architecture student or architect under 31 on the closing date for submission of entries, who will be the team leader.
  • Teams may also include professionals from other disciplines.

From Friday 15 April 2011, the complete competition brief with a detailed description of the assignment and submission requirements can be downloaded: Here. The competition contributions can be submitted in either English or Spanish or a bilingual submission which include Chinese.

Launch: April 2011
Registration deadline: June 30, 2011
Submission deadline: July 31, 2011
International jury awards: September 23, 2011

For information click on: Here.

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