

Dochodo Zoological Island, South Korea by JDS Architects

JDS Architects' Dochodo Zoological Island, in South Korea, is the image of this Monday. This infrastructural green belt, as the agency called, is impressive. It is located at a height of 20 meters. It will host all transportation, energy sources, building systems. It will also contains vegetation.
Dochodo Zoological Island — Infrastructural Green Belt © JDS Architects
This infrastructural green belt would be deserved by a green promenade with trees, and lush green areas alongside the paths creating an artificial natural environment inside the infrastructure.
Dochodo Zoological Island — Infrastructural Green Belt © JDS Architects
This Dochodo Zoological Island plan is conceived as "case study to define a tourist region based on sustainable development only, where natures and structures function in equilibrium, symbiotically feeding one another." Seeing these rendering images, one can confirm this search for an equilibrium between natural and man-made systems on this 43.5-square-kilometer island.
Dochodo Zoological Island — Map © JDS Architects
> The light green corresponds to the artificial natural system, precisely flat valleys (32%),
while the darker one the natural system (60%) made out of mountains. According to Inhabitat, a bridge
would facilitate the access to the Dochodo zoo.
Dochodo Zoological Island is composed of flat valleys and mountains. The maps above and below show the distribution of flat and peak. Flat areas would house animals while mountainous areas will be treated as nature reserves. With the introduction of the zoo, the island would do with the natural areas and the artificial natural areas. The second would occupy the center of the island, as the same maps show.
Dochodo Zoological Island Concept Map, © JDS Architects. Originally appears on Efficient.
> The program would contain not only the zoo but also an animal research sanctuary,
and a resort safari. Circulation composed of a green promenade would
facilitate the access to these areas.

If we refer to these maps, the natural part will occupy 60% of the island while the artificial natural part 32 %. This search for an equilibrium will lead to a treatment of these entities as a whole which aim is the redefinition of this small-scale region located in the undeveloped south-west of South Korea.
Dochodo Zoological Island Development System. © JDS Architects. Originally appeared on Inhabitat
> The conceptual map shows the development systems on the 43.5-square-kilometer island.
This project will attempt to balance both natural and artificial natural areas.
To preserve the ecological footprint of the island, nature
will dominate with 60% while artificial natural part will be 32% and others 8%.

To preserve the natural system of the island — potential human footprint impact caused by tourists on this undeveloped area —, JDS Architects proposes a zoological complex with low ecological impact.
Dochodo Zoological Island — Sustainable system © JDS Architects
> The sustainable system would be composed of rainwater collection system,
a water distribution, and an electricity distribution. It will contain Thin film photovoltaic panels.

This would be possible with a sustainable system that would be based on zero-carbon transport systems, renewable sources, rainwater collection sites. Other issue concerns waste that could be reused as either composted fertilizer or biofuel.
Dochodo Zoological Island © JDS Architects

Source: eVolo, Efficient, Inhabitat

All images originally appeared on eVolo, Inhabitat (when mentioned), Efficient (when mentioned).

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