

Lecture: The Nightmare of Participation by Markus Miessen

Who: Markus Miessen, architect
Where?: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, US, Gin D. Wong, FAIA Conference Center, Harris Hall 101
When?: Wednesday, August 31 '11- Wednesday, August 31 '11
Time: 6:00 pm

Markus Miessen is an architect and writer. In 2002, he set up Studio Miessen, a collaborative agency for spatial practice and cultural inquiry, and in 2007, he co-founded the London and Berlin-based architectural practice office. In various collaborations, his publications include: The Nightmare of Participation (Sternberg Press, 2010), Institution Building: Artists, Curators, Architects in the Struggle for Institutional Space (Sternberg Press, 2009), East Coast Europe (Sternberg Press, 2008), The Violence of Participation (Sternberg Press, 2007), With/Without: Spatial Products, Practices, and Politics in the Middle East (Bidoun, 2007), Did Someone Say Participate? (MIT Press, 2006) and Spaces of Uncertainty (Müller + Busmann, 2002). His work has been published and exhibited widely at the Lyon, Venice, Performa (NY), Manifesta (Murcia), Gwangju, and Shenzhen Biennials. He has taught at the Architectural Association, London (2004-08), the Berlage Institute, Rotterdam (2009-10), and as visiting professor for architecture and curatorial practice at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe (2010-12). In 2008, he founded the Winter School Middle East (Dubai/Kuwait). In Fall 20011 he will launch a new professorship for Critical Spatial Practice at the Städelschule in Frankfurt.
Lectures are free and open to the public. They are located in the Gin D. Wong, FAIA Conference Center, Harris Hall, on the University Park campus. No reservations are required. Parking is available on campus at Gate 1 off Exposition Blvd.

For more information: Here.

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