

Two ways of rethinking the Opera House by Hend Almatrouk and Paul Preissner Architects

Two agencies propose to reinvent the character of opera house: Hend Almatrouk and Paul Preissner Architects. The characteristics to these two proposals are an exploration of parametric design, sustainable technologies and algorithms to consider the building through various external and internal data: programmatic, site, environment, etc.
Symbiotic Opera House, Vienna, © Hend Almatrouk

With its Symbiotic Opera HouseHend Almatrouk envisions to transform the notion of a designed space into that of a designed intent. A simple module becomes a new opera and concert hall for the city of Vienna.
Symbiotic Opera House © Hend Almatrouk

The aesthetic of this exuberant opera house, such as a biotic organism, is expressed by the articulation of the envelope, the surface, the structure of the building and its landscape, an english garden transformed by the growth of the building.
Symbiotic Opera House © Hend Almatrouk

A matrix of biotic cells that mutes according to its specific situation is created to allow for a mutation to, then, generate the interior spaces.

By comparison, the Busan Opera House proposal, designed by Paul Preissner Architects, rethinks the opera house in another way. If this opera house combines parametric design, algorithms, new technologies with internal and external data, its aesthetics expression differs with that of Hend Almatrouk's Symbiotic Opera House: less exuberant, less "voluptuous".
Busan Opera House © Paul Preissner Architects

Yet the Busan Opera House is quite expressive in comparison with its surroundings. As an elegant ovni implanted in the city of Busan, it seems to emerge suddenly from its site while forming a harmony with adjacent buildings. The Busan Opera House starts with three main ideas:

  1. to provide a strong urban statement in newly forming cultural district;
  2. to develop a clear visual strategy for the identity of the Opera which is simultaneously familiar and never-before seen;
  3. to create a unique building for the center of the cultural district with a contemporary architectural approach shaped to optimize active and passive energy use.
Busan Opera House, Busan © Paul Preissner Architects

The Busan Opera House proposal is defined by the combination of the shape of the building, the rational programmatic organization, and a curated graphic pattern (stripes) made.
Busan Opera House — Plan Level Roof © Paul Preissner Architects

The volume is clad with a combination of translucent and opaque glasses.
Busan Opera House — Section © Paul Preissner Architects

The second level is cantelevered five meters above the entrance level to facilitate the access to the building.
Busan Opera House — Patterns studies © Paul Preissner Architects

Two bridges connect the building to the city: the first one is dedicated to pedestrians and the second for rapid mobilities (cars, etc.).
Busan Opera House — Interior spaces © Paul Preissner Architects

The volume houses restaurant, conventions spaces, a major public lobby for the opera located inside one of the glass stripes.
Busan Opera House — Elevation © Paul Preissner Architects

Source: eVolo

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