

The Architecture Post The Review second edition featuring Julia van den Hout and Kyle May, editors of CLOG Magazine

Today's edition of The Architecture Post The Review is this time on magazines, specifically on architecture magazines. Indeed, we discuss newborn CLOG Magazine with editors Kyle May and Julia van den Hout.
CLOG Magazine First Issue: BIG, 2011

CLOG Magazine, an architecture print publication is founded in 2011 by five editors: Kyle May, Human Wu, PlayLab Design, Julia van den Hout and Jacob Reidel. CLOG, explores, from multiple viewpoints and through a variety of means a single subject particularly relevant to architecture. Two issues is now released: first issue on BIG, second one on Apple. The third issue is under preparation. It is announced to be on data centers.
CLOG Magazine Second Issue: Apple, 2012

CLOG Magazine is a small format, nice low-key magazine, 5.5 inches wide and 8.5 inches tall based on call for papers. Contributors of these both issues are: for the first issue, Michael Abrahamson, Iwan Baan, Alexandra Lange, Oliver Wainwright, Human Wu, Stephen Melville Ying Zhou, Dan Clark, Janine Bounno, Graffitilab, Kibisi, among others; for the second issue: Kazys Varnelis, Michael Kubo, Kyle May, Julia van den Hout, Marcus Carter, Rachel Berger, Jimenez Lai, Philippine d'Avout d'Auerstaedt, Keith Burns, etc.

CLOG Magazine is available in your favorite bookshop.

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