

Call for Applications: OneLab 2012: Future Cities by Terreform1 and One Lab

These next weeks, Posts will be slow here for many reasons.
Let's start with next week. On March 15th, I am planning to film the opening reception of the exhibition of Paris-based Périphériques Architects, titled 1200C 64P 10R at the Galerie d'Architecture, Paris. At least, I will take pictures of this exhibition. Périphériques Architects is of one of the most interesting French firms of architecture, in my view. I am also thinking of a videocast, as mentioned above, on a subject, a very important subject here in France on dwelling. Anyway I will say more soon as it is still unclear, in a blurry mode.
As for The Architecture Post The Conversation, my request of a conversation is still in a pending mode, so I can't say more for this moment. If so, it may be launched March 23rd or 30th.

For today, a call for applications for the ONE LAB 2012: Future Cities organized by Terreform1.

ONE Lab Summer 2012 on Future Cities will address the emerging discipline of global urbaneering by assembling a wide range of innovators from fields as diverse as, architecture, material science, urban design, biology, civil engineering and media art.

ONE Lab is designed for students who wish to engage with the crossover of design and science. This summer approximately 40 researchers will gather in New York City for 4 weeks of intense creative and scientific exploration. ONE Lab provides a unique opportunity for students to learn from internationally recognized scientists and renown designers and artists: Dr. Janna Levin, Dr. Nina Tandon, Dr. Dickson D. Despommier, Vito Acconci, Natalie Jeremijenko, Marc Forens and a host of TED Fellows.
ONE Lab consists of Design Studio, Future Cities Seminar and Future Cities Workshops. The studio will be offered in two levels - one for professional designers and students enrolled in professional schools or departments of design; one for students and individuals of various experience and background. All workshops are beginner level and no previous knowledge or experience is required.

More: Here.

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