
Workshop | The Building of an Imaginary City. A Workshop by Liam Young for Close Closer

Liam Young, co-founder of Tomorrows Thoughts Today/Unknown Field Division and also Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2013/Close Closer's curator, that I have already spoke about, is leading a workshop in the framework of Close Closer (listen to this conversation I had with Close Closer's curatorial team four months ago) from 29 July to 09 August.
Image originally appeared on Quaderns

The ambition of this workshop The Building of an Imaginary City is to "finalize the 40-square-meter hyper-real scale model that constitutes one of the key elements of Future Perfect."
This immersive exhibition will recreate tomorrow's city, departing from research currently in progress, in areas such as biosciences, robotics, multimedia and 3D design. Formed by areas or "districts," the exhibition will offer an intense sensory experience of the future urban habitat, which the visitor is welcome to walk through and explore. The model will be formed from extraordinarily intricate 3D printed and resin cast buildings, lighting systems, fiber optics, detailed painting and graffiti. It will be a hyper real cityscape that extends traditional architecture models into a world of fiction and popular culture. Miniature model making of this form has a long traditional in science fiction filmmaking.
Under Tomorrows Sky Movie miniature model installed in MU, Eindhoven.
Image courtesy of Boudewijn Bollmann
Originally appeared on Quaderns

The workshop will certainly outline Liam Young's curatorial project Future Perfect for Close Closer, which includes the participation of scientists, design mavericks, literary astronauts, speculative gamers, visionaries and luminaries. In short: ranging from Bart Hess, Factory Fifteen, Neri Oxman, to Bruce Sterling, Warren Ellis, Mashmallow Laser Feast, Vincenzo Natali, Revital Cohen & Tuur van Balen.

What can be interesting in this kind of workshops that speculates a potential (or imaginary) city is the questions and key drivers that will surely be arising from. We have discussed here and there from the state and shifting role of architecture as contingent, that of the architect (no longer as an expert but as an enabler or whatever), to the capacity of architecture of problem-forming the co-implication of time and space, to repeat Swedish philosopher Martin Hägglund (and to a large extent French philosopher Jacques Derrida), or, to put it simply, increasing nested events produced by the articulation of internal and external patterns of 'disturbances'. In one word: the role of a workshop if understood as curatorial strategy is not to solve problems, rather to problem-address, discuss, transform (and sometimes, if not very often, raise problems of problems) these problems as, with evidence, a solved problem usually produces a set of new problems, etc. 

It will be interesting, again, to see, check, and why not discuss, outcomes of this workshop as the Triennale will open its doors in two months (12 September). Participate if you have the chance of participating in this workshop. If not, let's see in September what outcomes, what problematics this workshop and the forthcoming Close Closer's projects will be producing.

Visit the Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2013 website for further information including registration fees, venue…

Source: Quaderns

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